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More dates for your Spectrum diary

Spectrum Community Arts are to remain online for a little longer, with a new timetable for you to enjoy. Everyone is invited to join in the fun, and you have five different sessions to choose from! The last session in each series is also the Christmas Special - watch out for more information on those nearer the time.

You can pay as you go - sessions are only £3 each and can be booked on to the morning of the session. To save some money, why not book on to the class passes? This half-term you can get the FANTASTIC offer of 6 classes for the price of 5!

“I feel happy and positively charged after the sessions.”   

ZOOM Participant

“They are friendly, accessible-to-all sessions, that provide exercise, fun and confidence building in one!” 

Parent of ZOOM participant

"R___ looks forward to the session all week and is particularly excited on a Wednesday.  It really has helped her well-being." 

Parent of Zoom and Adult Movers Club Participant

"She loves it when she you interact with her when she’s dancing, it’s that positive feedback she needs. From my perspective, it’s gives me 30 minutes of peace!" 

Parent of ZOOM and Sensory Movement Club Participant

Sensory Movement

Date: Mondays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November, 7th December 2020

Time: 5.00 - 5.30pm

Led by Mel and Frankie, follow along dance routines where each dance has its own sensory prop - suggestions of items you can use around the home are given too. A visual timetable is sent out before the session and referred to throughout. All routines are adapted to the dancers' needs and abilities so everyone can join in!

Learn a Dance Routine

Date: Tuesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th November, 1st, 8th December 2020

Time: 5.30 - 6.00pm

Across two weeks, learn a fun dance routine to popular songs. Routines and moves are adapted to suit the needs and abilities of the dancers on screen. Help build balance, confidence and memory skills while you dance yourself happy and healthy!

Spectrum Beats

Date: Wednesday 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th November, 2nd, 9th December 2020

Time: 5.00 - 5.30pm

A Sensory Music session led by Dr Sarah Robinson, which follows a visual timetable sent before the session - you'll sing, play, listen and move! Interactive and themed music sessions for making some mid-week noise! Let’s all join in, and have fun making music together!

Interactive Stories

Date: Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November, 3rd, 10th December 2020

Time: 5.00 - 5.30pm

Help bring a different story to life each week using your body, voices and faces! Suggestions of sensory props and/or images to help engage and support the story are sent before the session with extension activity ideas sent after too. This fun session is a great confidence builder and a joy for sensory seekers and actors alike!

Movers & Groovers

Date: Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November, 3rd, 10th December 2020

Time: 6.00 - 6.30pm

Help Jade choreograph a new dance routine every two weeks! Learn a few steps from Jade and then have your input as to what move should go next. Move, groove and leave with a growing sense of autonomy, ownership and achievement!

Please click here to book your space(s), or for more information call 07741 280382 or email

N.B. For your information, these sessions are not organised or run by Leighton Buzzard Mencap.


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