Forum discussion at Coffee & Cake
Did you miss our last forum at the BGM in November?
Are there any hot topics around support for people with additional needs you’d like to share with others, such as training or employment opportunities, EHC plans, benefits, local support groups etc?
Pop in and say 'Hi' at our very first Coffee & Cake of 2020. For anyone that hasn't been before, this is our monthly coffee morning where you can find out more about us and our groups or just chat to other people who might be in a similar situation to you, complete with a small play area for your little ones and hot drinks and sweet treats to go around. Why not pop in for a natter and a cuppa.
And this month we will be including an opportunity for you to come together as a forum to share your feedback, ideas and suggestions. We will be noting down your thoughts and feelings to help shape what we do, some please come with your friends and share your experiences.
Date: Wednesday 29th January 2020
Location: Leighton Buzzard Health Centre, Bassett Road, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1AR
Time: 10.00am - 11.30am
Check out the details of the event on Facebook.
Please get in touch with us if you would like some more information:
T: 07934 916 422