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LB Mencap's Members Virtual Forum

You are invited to join us at our Members Virtual Forum next month, which will be taking place on Zoom.

  • Come and join us all on a Zoom meeting on Monday 15th November at 7.30pm and hear all about what has been happening at LB Mencap over the last 20 months. Hear too about some exciting new proposals that LB Mencap are planning.

  • Have your opportunity to tell us your experiences or ask a question to anyone on the call -such as Trustees and our new Development Officer. Please send your questions or views in advance of the meeting to (by Monday 8th November). That way you won’t have to talk at the meeting if you don’t want to; we can read your question out for you. But if you do want to ask it yourself - great! Just let us know. Try and make your questions quite short as there may be lots. Make sure you ask your support worker if you need help with your emails.

Here are just some ideas of things you may want to ask us or talk about.

  • How have the last 20 months been for you?

  • Who has supported you through it?

  • How has LB Mencap helped you through these challenging times?

  • What do you want from LB Mencap as 2022 approaches?

  • Are you happy with the Services provides for you?

  • What other Services would you like us to provide?

  • How are you finding our website or Facebook/Instagram page?

  • What are the main issues which are proving a challenge for you at the moment -employment, training, benefits, accessing services etc

  • Do you have questions about your children and SEND?

  • Have you any questions about the new Central Beds Local Offer?

Please let us know by email ( if you are going to join us for the forum by Monday 8th November so we can send you your Zoom invitation, and don't forget to get some great questions together.

Not yet a member? No problem. Just drop us an email and we will send you a short form to register with us. If you have any other comments, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your continued support.



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