A #50challenge to celebrate Volunteers' Weeks 2019
Our wonderful volunteers over at High 5s have done a #50challenge in wChy they volunteer with LB Mencap:
Because it’s fun
I’ve made friends there
Because I believe in community
To learn new skills
It may help me get a job
Playing is important
I enjoyed my youth club and want to give that experience to others
Looks good on my CV
Because I enjoy working with children
It gives the parents a break
The children are good company
It’s nice to chat and play with the children
Allows the parents to meet others that share similar experiences
Encourages the children to make new friends
It’s enjoyable
Why not!
The kids need somewhere to play and be free
It uses my skills
It’s my ‘service’ for my Duke of Edinburgh Award
Good company!
It makes me smile
High 5s need us volunteers to run
I like to be involved in local things
It feels like I’m helping
The children say things that make me laugh
It’s great to see the children enjoying themselves and to be part of making that happen
Children need play experiences
We can encourage the children to be active and fit through the games
Good to have somewhere away from computers where the children can play
I like supporting the children to have exciting experiences
I like the support that MENCAP can give
I wanted to do something useful
Nice to be part of a team
High 5s allows me to be creative
The parents appreciate our time and help
The other volunteers are welcoming
It’s good to work with others
You never know what each session is going to be like
The commitment isn’t too large to fit in with my busy life
I can input my ideas to help make the club better
We can support the parents and children in a small way
I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing on a Thursday evening
It’s wonderful to see the children having fun
Nice to feel useful
I want to give something back to the community
The children look forward to their club
I enjoy it as much as the kids
The play opportunities support the children’s learning
I feel appreciated
... ... ... ?
We couldn't quite think of 50 reasons, but if you can think of the final one, you're exactly the sort of volunteer we'd need - please get in touch!